A Comprehensive Guide for Making Coloring Book in Midjourney: Tips, Examples, and More

author - Kistent Waung
Kistent Waung

Updated on

If you or your childen like to color, you may not have to buy coloring books anymore. This is because you can design your own coloring books in Midjourney by entering simple prompts according to your preferred style and content.

You can not only design coloring books for yourself but also as gifts or sell them on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and other platforms.

Interested but don't know how to do it? No problem. This article will take you through the process of writing Midjourney prompts for coloring books or pages and show you some Midjourney coloring book prompt examples to inspire your creativity.

Useful Tips for Crafting Midjourney Coloring Book Prompt

Here are some practical tips to help you craft Midjourney prompts for coloring book. These tips will guide you through incorporating key elements, refining your results, and achieving the desired style for your coloring book pages.

1. Include "coloring book" or "coloring page" in your prompt

And to be more specific, you can also add audience to your prompt. For example, if you want to create a coloring book for your children, you can use “coloring book for kids”. And if it is for you, try "coloring book for adults".

Additionally, you can use terms like "clean outlines," "minimal," or "line art" for a classic coloring book feel.

To create standout images with ample coloring space, try "thicker line".

Midjourney coloring book prompt

2. Use No parameters in your prompt

By doing this, you can remove unwanted things from generated images. To create coloring pages, you can add “--no colors” to remove pre-colored elements and “--no shadows/shades” to create a flat image for coloring fun.

To remove multiple elements, you should separate them with a comma, like this "--no colors, shadows, shades".

3. Use seed parameter if you want a consistent style for the whole coloring book

Each image gets a random seed number. When you use the same seed number and prompt, Midjourney will create similar final images, with some variation (like siblings, not twins). Models 1, 2, 3, test, and testp treat identical seeds similarly, resulting in images with consistent composition, color, and details. Models 4, 5, 6, and niji with identical seeds will create nearly identical images (think twins!).

Therefore, if you like your creation and want to use consistent style, you can use the same seed number for other coloring pages.

To find the seed number of an existing image, click the reaction button and then choose the envelope emoji to react to the job. Then, you'll receive a direct message containing the seed number.

Find Midjourney seed number

After that, you can use the seed number in your prompt. To do this, you simply need to add --seed <value> to the end of your prompt, replacing <value> with the seed number you received.

Add seed number to Midjourney prompt

Here is an example:

If you want to create coloring book from certain photo, you can use it as a seed image. To do this, simply send the photo into your Midjourney bot chat window on Discord and then get the seed number.

However, the initial output might not always be a coloring book-style image. In this case, you can use image weights to influence the output and make your images look more like the traditional line coloring book pages. Image weights are numerical values between 0.5 and 2. They represent the influence your reference photo has on the final prompt. Higher values give the photo a stronger influence on the generated image. When I tried –iw 0.5, Midjourney gives me a stylized coloring book style that might stray further from the original photo's details. When I tried --iw 2.0, it creates an output closer to the original photo's details, but it isn't a clean coloring book style.

->> Reading more: check how to create an oil painting style coloring book in Midjourney

4. Use appropriate aspect ratio for coloring book

What is the aspect ratio for Midjourney coloring book? Midjourney's default aspect ratio for images is square (1:1). However, it's ideal for coloring books to be portrait or landscape oriented for easier printing and coloring experience.

Here's how to adjust the aspect ratio in your Midjourney prompts for coloring book pages:

Landscape: Use --ar 3:2 at the end of your prompt. This creates a wider image suitable for landscape scenes.

Portrait: Use --ar 2:3 at the end of your prompt. This creates a taller image ideal for portrait-oriented illustrations.

Midjourney Coloring Book Prompt Generator Recommendation

If it hard for you to remember all of the parameters and styling options the Midjourney bot supports, you can make use of a Midjourney prompt generator such as Prompt Folder.

Now we'll show you how to use Prompt Folder to create Midjourney prompts for coloring book. You'll find how useful it is.

Step 1. Open Prompt Folder.

Midjourney coloring book prompt generator

Step 2. Type the main concept for your coloring page.

Step 3. Specify aspect ratio, Midjourney model version, quality, stylize, chaos, stop, repeat, weird, tile, seed, and exclude. If you don’t understand the meanings of these options, simply hover your mouse over the "i" button next to it for a clear explanation.

As you make changes, the "/imagine prompt" section will update, showing you exactly what Midjourney will receive.

Step 4. Once you've crafted the perfect prompt, click the "Copy Prompt" button and paste it directly into Midjourney to create a coloring page.

Midjourney Coloring Book Prompt Ideas and Examples

If you currently don’t have coloring book ideas, here are some creative ideas to spark your imagination. Try


A coloring page with a fluffy cat napping in a sunny window with a ball of yarn nearby. Use clean lines and bright colors.

A detailed coloring page featuring a group of playful baby pandas tumbling in a bamboo forest.

Underwater world

A vibrant coloring page showcasing a colorful school of fish swimming around a coral reef with a friendly sea turtle.

Hidden object scene

A farmyard coloring page with a friendly farmer tending to his animals. Include hidden objects like a ladybug on a leaf or a bird in the sky.

Mazes and patterns

A large, square coloring page with a simple maze leading to a smiling sun at the center. Use colorful geometric shapes throughout the maze.


A coloring page with a friendly robot holding a bunch of colorful balloons. Divide the robot and balloons into sections numbered 1-5 for different colors.

Alphabet and numbers

A whimsical coloring page with each letter of the alphabet decorated with a smiling animal that starts with that sound. Use bold outlines and bright colors.

Shapes and colors

A coloring page featuring a large square divided into smaller squares of different primary colors (red, blue, yellow). Add playful circles and triangles for additional exploration.

Fairytales and nursery rhymes

A coloring page depicting the Three Little Pigs standing proudly in front of their brick houses. Use a classic cartoon style.


A colorful coloring page featuring a birthday cake with lit candles and a cheerful party scene with balloons and streamers.

Fantasy worlds

A friendly unicorn galloping through a magical forest with rainbow flowers and sparkly butterflies. Use a whimsical style.


A coloring page with a bright red hot air balloon drifting through a fluffy blue sky with houses and trees below.

Jobs and activities

A coloring page featuring a young firefighter holding a hose and aiming at a pretend fire with a friendly dog by his side. Use bold outlines and primary colors.

What Resolution Should a Coloring Book Be

The ideal resolution for a coloring book depends on whether you plan to print it or offer it digitally.

For printed coloring books, the typical size is 8.5" x 11" (portrait) or 11" x 8.5" (landscape). In this case, a resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch) is recommended to ensure crisp lines and clear details when printed. This resolution works well for standard coloring book sizes. If you plan on offering larger format coloring books, you might consider a slightly higher resolution (e.g., 400 dpi) to maintain quality on bigger prints.

For digital downloads or online coloring platforms, a resolution of 150-200 dpi might be sufficient. This provides a good balance between file size and image quality for viewing on screens. Here, file size becomes a factor as higher resolutions create larger files, which can be an issue for downloads or platforms with storage limitations.

Ultimately, the best resolution depends on your specific needs and printing/distribution methods.  Some software or platforms where you plan to use the coloring book pages might have specific resolution requirements, so it's always a good idea to check beforehand.  The table above summarizes the recommendations for different use cases. You can experiment with different resolutions to find the sweet spot between quality and file size for your coloring book.

Midjourney's coloring pages might not always meet your desired printing resolution. In those cases, you can consider using third-party software like Aiarty Image Enhancer. This tool offers powerful upscaling capabilities, allowing you to increase the size of your coloring pages by 2X, 4X, or even 8X, reaching resolutions up to a whopping 32K. Additionally, Aiarty lets you upscale directly to popular sizes like 2K, 4K, and 8K.

If you don't need to increase image resolution but just want to enhance the quality, you can also use Aiarty Image Enhancer.

Aiarty Image Enhancer boasts three AI models specifically designed to enhance image quality. These models can address issues like blurriness or noise, ensuring your coloring pages look crisp and clear for printing.

Here's how to use Aiarty to enhance your Midjourney-generated coloring pages:

Step 1. Download and install Aiarty Image Enhancer on your computer. The installation process is typically straightforward.

Step 2. Simply drag and drop the coloring pages you want to upscale or enhance directly into the interface of Aiarty Image Enhancer.

Upscale Midjourney-generated coloring book images

Step 3. Select the AI model you think will work best for your needs and choose the desired upscaling factor (1x for no upscaling, 2x, 4x, 8x, or a specific print size like 1K, 2K, 4K, or 8K).

Remember, you can always upscale further by repeating steps 2 and 3 after exporting the initial version. Experiment with different AI models to see which one delivers the best results for your particular coloring pages.

Step 4. Once you're happy with the settings, click the "RUN" button to export your enhanced coloring pages. Aiarty Image Enhancer will process them and save the improved versions for you to use.

Final Words

With these tips, you should be able crafting Midjourney prompts for creating coloring books for yourself, your loved ones, or even potential customers.

One more thing, experimentation is key. When you input a prompt, you may not get a satisfactory result. In this case, you need to experiment continuously. Don't be afraid to play around with different prompts and settings to discover what works best for you. Happy coloring!

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Kistent Waung is a quality-driven writer who has extensive knowledge of the multimedia market. She started her journey managing and supporting content at Digiarty Software, where she shared her expertise on a range of multimedia products spanning AI and codec trends, software reviews, and comparisons. She's now a writer for aiarty.com, with a focus on AI technology.

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